Connecting students to the right University with Aruba Networks

Students are faced with a massive decision when choosing a University to continue their education and carve out their futures.

With so many University’s battling to enrol the best students onto their courses, how does the student make this decision?

What if every University they have applied for offers the exact course they want?

What makes YOU the institution stand out to THEM the student?

  • In 2017 – 2018 it was recorded that there are 164 Higher Education Institutions in the UK1
  • When applying through UCAS a student can apply for a maximum of 5 Universities2

That’s a lot of choice.

As an institution you need to make your offer more appealing than the rest, you want students to pick you above the other institutions on offer and here is how Aruba Networks can help.

Offering your students, the best network connectivity across campus allows your students to work intelligently and unrestricted. With Aruba’s secure and reliable offerings, you can equip your University to meet and withstand the ever-growing demands of user technology.

Download the benefits of Aruba OS8

5 areas in which Aruba Networks can benefit a Higher Education Student

  • 1. Collaboration

    ‘Teamwork makes the dream work’. Allowing students to work together collaboratively and not restricted to working alone due to a poor connection in communal areas. AirMatch the next generation RF optimisation is tuned for noisy and high-density environments. This offers a better wi-fi experience in congested or dense environments such as campus common areas and lecture halls.

  • 2. Communication

    It is important for students to be able to communicate with their friends and family while they are away from home. Unified Communication and Collaboration automatically identifies and prioritises UCC traffic allowing a better user experience for UC tools such as video conferencing.

  • 3. Freedom to work wherever

    Communal Areas of study often means a busy and noisy atmosphere. Being able to have the freedom to work wherever gives the student time to concentrate on their studies without distractions. Aruba offer a range of options to provide seamless coverage indoors, outdoors and off campus.

  • 4. Simplicity

    Being able to simplify everyday tasks like carrying a pile of books to a lecture is extremely beneficial to students on the go. Having eBooks on your mobile device wherever you are is one way of simplifying and making life easier. ClientMatch dynamically optimizes Wi-fi allowing clients to connect their devices to the best Access Points enhancing mobile experience wherever they roam.

  • 5. Mobility

    Giving students the mobility to utilise applications to work smart. Using applications like AirDrop means students can print their work wirelessly from their mobile devices rather than having to log in centrally and potentially be held up in a print queue. AirGroup turns on services like AirPlay and AirPrint for individuals or groups based on their roles, devices and locations. Onboarding your devices couldn’t be simpler.

    1Universities UK

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