XMA Webinar Programme

In light of developments this year around the spread of COVID-19, people in the UK have been moving to remote working, teaching and learning. As daunting as this might be for some, we are here to help in the best way we know how – by empowering others to work better through the use of technology.

We launched our webinar programme back in April, to help reach people during the UK Lockdown. The programme has since had thousands of listeners and so we aim to continue bringing valuable insights and content to our audience and beyond.

Webinar Recordings – for Educators

Everyone Can Create Music with iPad

Everyone should get the chance to explore their creative side and music is such a fundamental and powerful part of the human experience. In this session we’ll tour how GarageBand can allow everyone to make something special and unique while exploring their creative potential and having fun.


Game Based Learning with Minecraft

Learn about the power of game-based learning with Minecraft for Education – an amazing immersive virtual tool, which builds on the Minecraft which so many kids (and adults) know and love. Totally open ended for any subject / level, turn an abstract concept into something more concrete and experiential, boost engagement by using the power of gaming goals, allow students to reflect on and think more critically about progress and make learning more accessible and fun for all.


Everyone Can Code with iPad

Everyone should know how to code by the time they leave school and Apple have an amazing coding program! We’ll explore how to make coding exciting for all levels, abilities and interests. Enhance your unplugged and plugged activities by using the power of the iPad.


The creative and collaborative classroom that is Microsoft PowerPoint.

It really is time for you to discover PowerPoint in a whole new way. Forget the dull endless presentations of the past and find out how PowerPoint is more than just a presentation tool. See how Artificial Intelligence takes the pain out of creating beautiful lesson resources. Discover how to collaborate across groups of students or colleagues. Use animation paths to model ideas and theories and use Live Captions to support learners.


Inspire your Culture Vultures with Google Arts & Culture

We explore how the Google Arts and Culture site and accompanying app can open a whole new world for your students and across multiple disciplines. Discover how to visit 2000 museums, travel to iconic landmarks and take virtual street tours and see how we can use Augmented Reality to immerse your students in art and history.


6 considerations for your digital strategy this academic year

If COVID-19 did one thing, it forced us to embrace technology. Teachers and students were forced to adapt to distance learning while IT departments were challenged to ensure everything ‘just works’. But what does that reality really look like and how have educators and IT departments prepared their schools for ‘the new normal’? Joined by Lisa Hawker – Head of IT at ARK and Stuart Clyde – Headteacher at Bertha Park, we will be discussing the challenges they have faced, as well as some positive progress in the use of technology.


Teams for Teaching

We explore how Teams can become the backbone of your learning and teaching environment, in class and at home. Features rich and simple to navigate, discover why schools all over the world have found a saviour in Teams: A one stop shop that lets you focus on the learning and less on the bureaucracy.


What powerful tools can iPad offer for Distance Learning?

Leadership teams in schools and local authorities often ask how investment in iPad will help them to achieve their educational objectives. More importantly in current times, why is iPad the right technology to enable engaging and dynamic learning, in the classroom and at home? We take a deeper dive in to the many tools and capabilities iPad has to offer for classroom and distance learning.


Lets go 'Out Out' with Google for Education

Join us for our webinar in partnership with Google, where we will being going ‘Out Out’ on a trip of a lifetime! We’ll be discussing how you can empower curiosity and deepen student knowledge, whilst distance learning with creative Google tools. We will go on a journey using example lesson plans utilising some of the most awe inspiring tools, to help excite teachers and inspire students around literacy and numeracy.


Top Tips for Unlocking Lockdown Creativity

Time spent consuming content in front of a screen has its appeal after a long hard day or week but, in an era of lockdown and isolation, eventually our innate human need to use our creativity comes into play. Music, Video, Drawing and Images are such valuable mediums of expression in life and in learning. This webinar will explore creativity tools to help students and families unleash their full potential and expand their learning through creative methods.


Collaboration Tools: Keeping in touch with teachers and learners

Staying in touch with your education community is imperative in providing a feeling of normality during the isolation period. Collaboration tools can help teachers, learners and parents stay on track with educational objectives and offer a terrific support system for all those involved. View the full recording to hear more about Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Apple Keynote and Showbie.


Accessibility Tools: Empowering every student to succeed

By making technology accessible to all types of learners, you can ensure none of your students miss out on the full learning experience. With the education community currently forced to practise distance learning, it has never been more important to ensure you are clued up on the best accessibility features your tech has to offer. Joined by Carol Haire, Principle Teacher & Digital Leader at Broomlea Primary School, she will share her experience of using apps to engage with families and students with additional support needs.


We are open for business online!

We have introduced new capabilities to make it even easier for your business to browse, purchase and receive products and services at this time. Order now and deliver items straight to the front door!

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Webinar Recordings – Digital Workspace

Planning for Business Continuity (Part 1)

Enabling your desk-bound workforce to work, safely and securely, when their primary work location is unavailable, is critical to the uninterrupted productivity and the success of your organisation. Join our webinar to discuss rapid enablement of secure remote access to PC’s/laptops and delivering web business apps or full virtual desktops from the cloud.


Planning for Business Continuity (Part 2)

With the risks associated with employees accessing private applications from unmanaged devices and unsecured networks, understanding the risks associated from these is paramount. Organisations need to reimagine application access, beginning the shift from VPN to software-defined perimeter (SDP) services. In this webinar, we will discuss how organisations can leverage an easier to deploy, more secure/cost effective alternative to VPN and provide users with application access while ensuring network security.


Developing a Digital Capability (Part 1)

Recent developments have catapulted organisations to fast-track their cloud-first agenda. While embracing the cloud has a significant upside, the absence of meaningful data to support strategic planning can impact the change necessary to adapt to this new normal. In this webinar, we will discuss how organisations can assess their readiness for cloud-based tools and create engaging training plans to support remote working.


Developing a Digital Capability (Part 2)

During a time when connecting, informing and engaging employees is of utmost importance, proactively encouraging a culture of innovation and collaboration can help organisations develop their digital capability and competitive edge. In this webinar, we will discuss how organisations can leverage innovation and promote a common culture, to help increase productivity and employee engagement.


Balancing Innovation & Security (Part 1)

Despite the urgency to move to a cloud-first and mobile-first world, organisations must not abandon their cyber security, due diligence or compliance obligations. It is also essential that security requirements do not hinder employee productivity. In this webinar, we will discuss how organisations can manage their exposure to risks and minimise the impact of network exploits.


Balancing Innovation & Security (Part 2)

A natural response to the current situation is to move more and more of our workload to the cloud. Protecting the ever-expanding attack surface and keeping organisational data safe is even more paramount. We’ll be discussing managing productivity, preventing access to malicious websites and better managing the risks associated with remote working.


Top Tips and Collaboration Tricks with Windows 10

Join XMA’s James Thorogood and Microsoft’s Dan Boyles as they discuss their favourite features in Windows 10 and how they are making their remote working lives easier. Focusing on features from Microsoft Teams to the Windows Security Centre, James and Dan show how end users can implement simple changes to improve security, teamwork and productivity.

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