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  • A CSP can help you get the best from your cloud technologies, while only paying for what you use.

    Cloud has become a core component to today’s hybrid workforce. It’s also helping organisations achieve greater process flexibility, reduced operational costs and increased business efficiency.

    As your CSP, XMA can support your individual journey to an effective workplace, in a way that meets your objectives.

    At XMA, we use the Cloud Services Agreement to produce a flexible contract that lets you purchase software and other supporting services through one trusted partner.

    We put conversations before recommended solutions to help guide your digital transformation in our modern working world.

  • XMA as your cloud solution provider

    The Cloud Solution Provider programme is a cloud-focused volume licencing agreement from Microsoft. So, through us, you can purchase online service subscriptions, cloud services and specific on-premises software.

    With predicable, convenient pricing through one consolidated bill, flexible contracts and 24×7 technical assistance, we can help you drive the right results for your business, employees and people.

  • A more secure business starts here

    While cloud services handle a lot of your data security concerns for you, there’s still plenty of steps you can take to further secure your business from uncertainty and malware.

    With XMA’s help, you can discover management tools, configuration services and much more, all designed to protect your business from harm.

  • Secure your business in the cloud

    There’s a lot to consider when moving to cloud. From device and network security to wider business concerns, this guide contains our top tips you need to consider in order to successfully secure your business’ future with Microsoft Azure.

    Explore the world of CSP

    Working with a CSP provides you with a fully supported, comprehensive modern workplace solution.
    Download our resources to see how else you can benefit.


    Choose eXcellence in the cloud

    Explore how a CSP can help you embrace modern working.


    Quick guide:

    Four reasons to choose Microsoft Teams

    Discover how Teams can help you keep hybrid workers collaborating.



    Cloud security. It’s simple.

    See how Azure Active Directory can help you protect your people.


    Quick guide:

    Keep your tech in tune

    XMA Advanced Support Tokens give you access to support when you need it – see how.


    Creating great eXperiences: why choose XMA?

    Your business is our specialism. We apply our deep sector expertise and best practices to your specific challenges and wider objectives.

    It’s not what XMA can do. It’s what XMA can do for you.

    XMA Store

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